Management Support, QAQC, Installation Inspection

Building Services Management and Inspection has evolved as a result of the increased pressure imposed by clients requiring their product in the least possible time, yet maintaining quality and value for money. Our Commissioning Management Support and Inspection team members are driven on deliverables by Quality, Estidama, LEED & BREEAM Standards.

The Testing and Commissioning of a Construction Project is a critical component in the Quality Assurance process associated with the delivery of a building which, when the installation is completed, is transformed into a working operational environment in which the client can safely conduct the business intended.

Every section of work installed by the Package Trade Contractors requires being subject to inspections and tests according to the appropriate standards applicable and on completion requiring to be tested as a complete element ready for incorporation into the integrated and combined systems necessary to fulfill the Client’s operational requirements.

During the Construction period, Package Construction Managers require each participating Trade Contractor to co-ordinate their Works with that of others. However, site wide co-ordination Management with system inspection / completion can be supported by our Inspection Team. We provide specialist inspection support engineers to compliment and integrate into your management teams.

Sutton provide a fully integrated inspection process which encompasses the following disciplines:


Installation Inspection                     


Management Support

Mechanical Services

Electrical Services

Controls / BMS

Fire and Gas Alarms

Process Plant

Special Gases

Data Cabling

Security Systems


Project Managers

Project Surveyors

Services Engineers

QA Control and Documentation

Commissioning Witnessing

PM Programming (CPA / GANTT / PERT)

Administration and Implementation

At Works Testing

Permit to Work Systems

Client Training Programs