Sutton Role:
Sutton is responsible in developing the commissioning plan document for submission to uptime institute, develop the testing scripts from level 3-5 in accordance with uptime standards and ER requirements for the project. Sutton will hold workshops with uptime institute engineers to finalize and agree testing demonstrations, testing strategies and iron out any pinch points for a smooth TCCF.
Project Details:
The 5 MW Global Data Centre for the Sabic Main Building project is a 3-storey building with 2 roof level, 1 basement level and an adjacent single storey Generator Building. The Data Centre will house 4 Data Halls; each occupying 572.47m² of floor space with the potential to house 220 IT Racks at a total of 992 kVA of power. The Basement level will primarily be used for MEP services and storage; electrical rooms, staging areas and secondary CHW pump rooms will be located on the ground and first floors; the Data Halls will be located on the second and third floors; and HVAC plant will be located on the roof levels
The Data Center is planned to be complete in 3 Phases. Phase 1 of the project will include the construction of the main structure, supporting MEP services and x2 out of x4 the Data Halls (DH1 and DH2).
Data Hall 1 is designed with fault tolerance in mind with the aim of achieving UTI certification of “Tier 4” while Data Hall 2 is designed with a redundant capacity and aiming to achieve UTI certification of “Tier 2”